Weekend Warrior C-Spec - [DONE]

OK, thanks for clarifying. This is my first race build so just wanted to be sure before tuning on the E100.

So, staying under 2500 kg combined means that the sum of all these numeber needs to stay below 2500, am I right?


correct, as displayed total is 2491.3KG @ 300.4KM/H
also for merica say that’s 5492.37LBS of the 5511.55LBS @186.411MPH as the max output

With under six days left, I’ve only received one entry. However I know there are several people working on their cars, so I wanted to ask what you think about a:

Deadline Extension
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I’ll leave the poll open for 24 hours.


With a challenge for a car thats quite modern and at times aerodynamically complex shaping, I personally feel I could use a couple extra days to hone the designs. Idk if the others feel the same but I felt like the deadline’s a lil short (or could be my IRL stuff taking more time)

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It would be much appreciated, as University stuff are taking up a lot of time

The results are heavily in favor of an extension, so the new deadline is:

July 28th, 23:59 CEST

The main post has been updated to reflect this.


Are you just taking the number on the left of the equation? or are you applying the -% to it?

I’m applying the % other wise it’s just the body’s base stat.

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What’s your reliability? Wondering if 40 is a little too low

Hi guys :raising_hand_man:

no fancy showcase skills following
here’s my entry:

I reserve the right to keep my Ellisbury GP time secret :shushing_face:

Hope y’all like it :v:


Introducing the Vulcan GTC
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only $191,000

Our most innovative Track special yet, and looks so good it wont matter if yore having an off day and only make the podium.
2024 Vulcan GTC

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Just curios, how many concepts did you all give up on before being happy with your choice?

Something like 10 or more and I don’t even know if I’ll even finish

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I had a total of 3 concept mules.
But I’ve already deleted them so I can’t show you :man_shrugging:


Sorry for being a bit off-topic, but how do y’all make these fancy posts with background and stuff? I’ve seen a lot of these posts like that, but I have no idea how to make them.

HDRI images. There’s a few vanilla presets you could play around with.

i use adobe express when i make a HQ ad. it can be really cool, but im new to using it and it shows lol