MV Design - Marcus_gt500's design studio

Also, back door becomes a grill! So your 2yo girl can make a nice barbie-cue! Isn’t it the dream of all girls?

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you forgot to camber it out and put some sick rims on it.

It doesn’t look as plastic wheels as the hubcaps do.


One sucessfull and fun collaboration later, and we have this:

Expect more collaboration works between me and @Obfuscious!


Partnerships are win-win. I make the parts I find fun, @Obfuscious make the parts he find fun.


Flawless victory.


Revamped the company logo

And have a Infernus

Dinka - Pegassi Infernus - (30.8 KB)


The Emer Aria is a little sports car with great handling with simple yet stunning visuals. Try one today!

Emer Aria - (44.6 KB)


Considering the limitations of the body you chose (small engine bay in MR configuration), it seems that you actually did an excellent job with it - it looks like an 80s sports coupe should. Well done!

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now i want to see a Nonus…

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I’ve started one some time ago. The bug on the silvia body rear I was using prevented me to finish it.

oh, well hopefully an update fixes that sooner rather than later

Hey friends! Long time no see! I’m sorry for vanishing away from the forum, but I finally found a real job I love to do, but it took away all the free time for gaming. I’ve just entered the game and boy what a graphics upgrade! Really loved the new photo scenarios, specially the sea of information! Unfortunally I’ll no longer be frequently present here, and accepting requests, but you can aways find me on my work fb page (MV Design Custom Works) for making some sick 3d printing requests, or just chat away! See you later!


Great to see you’ve found what seems to be your calling. That jet-car looks pretty epic too…

Hey pals! Not playing this game that much anymore, but here’s something i’ve made on the last few days. Not a replica, just an inspiration.

Chryslus Corvega - (39.3 KB)


Does the Corvega come with a complimentary Pip-Boy?

Is it nuclear powered?

As far as Automation is concerned this car is not nuclear-powered, but it looks so stunning that it deserves some full-color pics to go along with the B&W ad you just gave us.

No, but it’s dashboard screen have some of it’s functions.

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Lore-wise, yes. Game-wise, Ultimate fuel, since the game doesn’t explain much about it, we can consider it nuclear power.