Zero Expectations Racing Cup (COMPLETE)

Am I getting it right that track attack cars can have race parts and have no emission and loudness restrictions?

The Track Attack category, unlike the Road Rage class, allows the use of race parts, but does not require vehicles to meet a specific emissions standard level depending on the trim year. There’s no engine loudness cap there either.

Of all the tracks that are potentially on the table, are any of them mixed surface roads? Or are we strictly looking at asphalt roads?

There are some mixed, and some only gravel, but most tracks are asphalt only


A Competitor Approaches

8L inline 6
1300 HP
2300 Nm
2000 KG


Two others await…

(specs TBD)

(yeah, that one)
(specs TBD)


im working on something as well…


My entries for ZERC:

2020 Summit - Zk4

1967 Summit - Neo (Rally)

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Make sure to follow the naming convention

The file names are named as required I just posted what their actual names are

:bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang: SUBMISSIONS OPEN :bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang:

let the descent into madness begin


For those who want to submit two cars, can both of them be in the same category (either 2 Road Rage entries, or 2 Track Attack entries), or must they be from different categories (1 Road Rage entry + 1 Track Attack entry)?

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they can both be from different classes, or they can both be from the same one

Troll time

my two entries, MR with a standart V8 and SEILA with a high revving V6

  • Open wheel bodies aren’t banned
  • No loudness limit for race cars
My reaction to that information

They’re back.

Remember these two? They acquitted themselves well in PAIN… and I loved every minute of it.

The blue TSC Thunderwolf now develops 550bhp and weighs under 1200kg. All in all, it focuses on brute force over finesse, but it’s now a more track-focused machine than before.

The red LVC LS35 now has a less powerful 400bhp 3.5L V8, but it’s now in a lighter, grippier car. After all, adding lightness makes cars faster everywhere, and it’s definitely true here.

Both of them are road legal (if only just), just like their past selves were.

What are you waiting for? Step in, buckle up, and hit the gas to find out!


Was having some issues with exporting one of my entries, I removed all the fixtures (apart from aero) and now the exporter doesn’t crash. Just wondering the legality of this?

I also now have issues with this:

I steer one way, the outer wheel won’t follow, I steer the other way and it stays pointing where it was. I’ve tried switching from pushrod to DWB but that doesn’t seem to have fixed anything.

technichallly legal, but i’m judging aesthetics as the car looks in automation, so if you submit it fixtureless it will get a 0

and god damnit more exporter bugs i don’t know how to fix :skull:
i only had that bug on earlier exporter versions with cars that have the front wheels moved alot with advanced trim, don’t know what to say